Moving about a bit

Years ago we did a 15 second animation for Nokia Shorts – and really enjoyed the challenge of trying to make it as much of a complete story as possible despite the tiny space. Since then, periodically, the idea of animating our cartoon strips has come up at the Guardian, but somehow we've never cracked it (ie got off our arses and done it). For one, we weren't always sure we knew how to make the animations do something the still images didn't already manage. Just trying to replicate the gag in a moving form can actually spoil the way, in a still, the viewer can create their own sense of timing, their own path through it. When the Guardian came to us and wanted to try something that just went out of social media, it seemed like the right space and opportunity to give it a go. 

What the peppers say

Here's the latest from the food cartoon. Also, news of a bit of piggery jokery going on in Beverley, East Yorks. From Saturday we have an exhibition of cartoons and animation at the lovely Creation Fine Arts gallery. This also represents the first northern tour for Roger the Pig. I would like to say he is excited about it, but that's not really part of his deal. He claims to be no less unhappy though.

Short notice, but if you are in the area and would like to come along to the private view on Saturday evening (March 8), drop us a line via this website. It would be great to see you. PW

G whizz

Our sequence for the Guardian, for use in their videogame reviews etc. The idea was to cast the "g" in a few iconic games and write a soundtrack that goes from 8-bits to the full orchestral monty. Memories of a time when a dose of Defender cost you 10p – and your thumbs.



Diplomatic bag: our title sequence for BBC2's Ambassadors

It has been a while since we did a title sequence, but we couldn't resist Ambassadors, starring Mitchell and Webb, since they gave us a minute to play with and real encouragement to do something more than just plop some names on the screen. Also, the production team at Big Talk had the neat idea of a journey that begins in the comfort of London and the home counties before gradually revealing an increasingly jaundiced and ill-informed view of the Foreign Office's more distant postings. Thanks to great producer Chris Carey, writer James Wood and the Big Talk team for seeing this through. PW/JB